Version 3.0

                Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8

The program Flügel-Index is used for the examination of characteristics of honey bees.

Cubitalindex, Hantelindex and Discoidalshift are measured in the wings of the bees.

50 wings are scanned, one wing after another, enlarged and measured by click on 8 measuring points.


ü      Easier and clearer handling of the program

ü      Topical instructions in the red footer

ü      Higher resolution of the wing-pictures

ü      Results are saved in a data base → clear administration of the results

ü      Results of examinations with former versions can be imported

ü      English installation-program

Flügel-Index-Demo   8,3 MB - It is possible to use this 30 day demo 10 times

Operating modes

·         All measurements

·         Over hair not measured – in this case the discoidalshift is judged instead of over hair

·         Only Cubitalindex

Presentation of the results

The program calculates the indexes and draws:

·         the curve Cubitalindex - Number of the bees per class,

·         the diagram Cubitalindex and Discoidalshift and

·         the Correlation of Hantelindex and Discoidalshift.

Hard and software requirements

Personnel computer

Flügel-Index works with very large files. Therefore a high-quality computer should be used – otherwise the operation times become very long.

Screen size at least 800 x 600.

Operating system Windows 98, Me, XP, NT, 2000 or Vista.

With the operating system Windows 7 use the XP- mode:

1.      After the installation click with the right mouse-button to the program and choose characteristics.

2.      Adjust Windows XP.


Flat-bed-scanner or slide-scanner. Optical resolution:  2400 x 2400 dpi or higher, min. 600 x 1200 dpi.

Graphic program for scanning the wings.


Close all applications, insert the CD and wait for automatic start.

Preparing the wings

It is recommended to prepare all wings in the shown direction and very close to each other. In this way you get a smaller picture file (faster measuring) after scanning.

Method 1

Put some alcohol and sugar into a small bowl. A simple way is to lift a bee at a front wing with a pair of tweezers, cut off the wing with small pair of scissors, dip the wing into the liquid and place it on a crystal-clear, transparent foil (e.g. a overhead foil).

For flat-bed-scanners, stick self-adhesive white paper on the preparation (for instance an address-sticker). for slide-scanner's use crystal-clear adhesive-tape.

With this method, a wing can be shifted to the right position after it has been put onto the foil.

However, shadows caused by the liquid can appear in the scanned picture.

Method 2

The wings are cut off in same way, but they are placed on crystal-clear adhesive-tape.

For flat-bed-scanners, the preparation is stuck on white paper and for slide-scanner on a transparent foil.

With this method, no shadows will appear; but the position of the wings cannot be adjusted after they have been placed on the tape and it is possible that deformations of the wings occur.

Scanning the wings

With a graphics-program, the prepared wings are scanned and the file is stored on the PC.

Recommended Colour

It is recommended to use 8 bits – Grey scale B&W, this creates smaller picture files that are processed by the PC faster.

If the computer has a very large RAM and a high frequency, you can also use 24 bits - Colour, that generates more beautiful pictures, but 3 times larger files.

Recommended scanner resolution

·         Screen 800 x 600 – scanner resolution 2400 dpi.

·         Screen 1024 x 768 or more - scanner resolution 3600 dpi.

Since a length and not the relation of two lengths is measured with the discoidalshift, the adjustment of the resolution of the scanner and the adjustment at Options must agree! This is not valid if only the Cubitalindex is measured.

With a high resolution, it can be necessary to divide the wings into several picture-files. These files are to be loaded and measured one after the other.


In the menu Extras options  Picture path of a directory can be stored. Flügel-Index seeks for picture-files in this directory first. It is recommended to store the picture-files in this directory.

You can activate the graphic program in the menu File or with click to  in the tool-strip, if the path of the graphic program is stored in menu Extras options index-card Picture.

Work flow of an examination

1. Start of a New Examination

By choosing New in the menu File or  in the tool-strip, all text fields are cleared and the picture is deleted and a new Number of Test is generated automatically.

2. Loading of a Picture

In the menu file or with  in the tool-strip, the picture is loaded. If several pictures are used, one picture is measured; afterwards the next picture is loaded.

3. Input of the measuring-points

With the command Measurement in the menu View or  in the tool-strip, the view Measurement is shown. This is the picture with all wings. With the mouse the wings can be selected one after another. Press the left mouse-mouse-button and place the rectangle on the area that should be enlarged for the purpose of defining the measuring-points.

It is possible either to click onto the measuring-points in the order of the numbers or to place the cursor on a measuring-point and press the corresponding number-button.

The Micro-adjustment enables a shift of a measuring-point with the buttons ABOVE, BELOW, LEFT and RIGHT. The measuring-point is chosen either by a click or with the buttons CTRL + NUMBER.

A click to the right mouse-button causes a transfer of the measurement into the lists. Further it is calculated if the already measured bees match the characteristics of the race.

Now, the picture with all wings is shown again. The already measured wings are marked with their number.

4. Information about breeder and queen

The name of the owner, the name of the breeder and the copulation from the last examinations are offered for selection, if the data base already contains examinations.

Required are:

·         Name of the breeder

·         Number of the queen (here, also letters can be used) and

·         Year (only the last two characters are necessary).

If Region, Number of the breeder, Number of the queen and Year, are inserted, the Number of Queen consisting of these four parts will be stored in the data base.

5. Body-characteristics

You find a description of the characteristics in the help file in the chapter General.

The command Body marks in the menu View or  in the tool-strip opens the view for the insertion of the body-characteristics.

There are two possibilities:

Register in the list

For one bee the characteristics are adjusted and with a click on Add transferred to the list.

A click on Remove deletes the activated line from the list.

Enter sums

In this case you can investigate the body-characteristics without PC.

For the individual body-characteristics, the number of the bees then is feed into the corresponding text-field.

A click on Add All saves all values.

A click on Remove clears all text-fields.

In both cases the percentage shares are calculated after a click to Add or Remove and it is calculated if the bees matches the characteristics of the race.

6. Saving of the examination

There is no command Save.

·         When finishing Flügel-Index and

·         before a new examination, Flügel-Index (if the examination was altered) asks if you want to save the alteration.

After loading a picture-file, the examination is always saved.

Printing of the protocol

Printing can be started in the menu File or with  in the tool-strip. The print-out consists of one or two pages A4 - portrait. This is adjusted in the menu Extras-Options, index-card Protocol. The letterhead can be designed in the index-card Letterhead.

The content of the protocol depends on the operating mode:

·         All measurements

one page - Cubitalindex and signature

first page. Cubitalindex

second page - diagram Cubitalindex and Discoidalshift, Correlation and signature

·         Over hair not measured

one page. Cubitalindex, diagram Cubitalindex and Discoidalshift and signature

first page. Cubitalindex

second page – diagram Cubitalindex and Discoidalshift, Correlation and signature

·         Only Cubitalindex

one page - Cubitalindex and signature

Before printing, the protocol can be tested in the menu File with Preview 1 and Preview 2 or with  and  .

Loading of an examination

When opening Flügel-Index, the last examination is loaded and can be further processed or altered.

A former examination, for instance in order to print the protocol, can be opened in the window Results.

Work flow:

1.      Activate the window Results in the menu View or with  in the tool-strip.

2.      Click to the corresponding line in the table.

3.      Click to the command Open.

By using the menu Filters only a part of the examinations can be shown - in the menu Sort the sequence can be changed.

Results, established with former Versions, can be imported in the menu File.

Number of test

For a new examination, the number of test is given automatically. The number consists of:

1.      a consecutive number,

2.      the abbreviation registered at Options (max. 3 characters)

3.      and the current year.

In the data base, the previous examination with the highest number in the current year is searched. The next number is used as consecutive number.

With options index-card General this function can be switched off. If the number of test is missing, the examination cannot be stored!